About us
Head of People & Culture

Angie McKenna

Angie McKenna

Our very own mud-running, jelly bean-eating, kid’s CrossFit coach, Ang is the head of sunshine and smiles over at ASquared. Having been involved in HR for over 13 years, she’s got an impressive roster of skills and expertise. But does she like traditional HR? Nope.

Instead, she thrives on challenging and building culture within companies, disrupting the status quo and ensuring every voice is championed. There aren’t only traditional human resources practices here. We thrive in an environment that Ang has designed with us all in mind because our culture runs through everything we do. From pub trips and viral birthday gifs to hilarious team away days and our mental health support services (including our little ‘I’m not feeling 100% today’ low battery Slack status), Ang pushes the boundaries of a “normal” people and culture role to keep us all motivated, engaged and genuinely excited to be here.

Ang is an active volunteer both through ASquared’s membership with Matchable serving as an ambassador for Ripple and Diversily, and mentoring HR Professionals who are in the early stages of their HR careers, spreading her positive influence beyond the workplace and making a difference in the community.

Beyond her role at ASquared, Ang runs Titan Fitness - Kids & Teens, a small Charity where she coaches children and teens (aged 5-19) in CrossFit, a functional fitness program designed for all abilities, ages and fitness levels.

Born and raised in South Africa, where she grew up in a shockingly different corporal punishment culture, Ang is a bi-lingual mother of four, who only drinks coffee during workouts. Now, you’ll frequently find her eating jelly beans on a mud run, honest.

Decorative illustrated abstract image of a double underline
Core disciplines
HR & People
a bit more about


What is your go-to snack?
Jelly beans and bananas.‍

Describe your work style in three words
Fun, collaborative, compassionate.‍

What do you spend your monthly wellbeing budget on?
Crossfit membership.

Favourite quote or personal motto?
“Powered by sunshine and whiskey.”

Meet the rest of the team